SportAccord Combat Games 2010 - Olympics World Event .

Publié le par Free-Fight Fever

Combat Games

28 - 4 September 2010
Beijing , Pekin , China .
SportAccord Mascott
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   The SportAccord (Ex GAISF - General Association of International Sport Federation) Combat Games 2010 is a test for prepare the first official Olympics Combat Games in 2016 . 13 Internationals Federations and more than 650 fighters are invited for this World event .

   Of course , many of the greatest fighters of the world will be present , and we 'll can meet the F.I.A.S Ambassador , the world HeavyWeight Mixeds Martials Art ,  Fedor Emelianenko . His Brother Alexander will fight in the Sambo category .

The event will take place in 5 differents stadiums / Gymnasium .

- The National Indoor Stadium ,
- The China Agricultural University Gymnasium ,
- The Beijing Institute of Technology Gymnasium ,
- The Beijing Science and Technology University Gymnasium ,
- The Beijing University Student Gymnasium .




Beijing Science
Technology University Gymnasium


SportAccord Olympics combat games 2010

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