John Wayne Parr "The Gunslinger" might stop fighting this year !

Publié le par Free-Fight Fever

John Wayne Parr "The Gunslinger" might stop fighting this year !

The sunday 16, 2011 John Wayne Parr posted this on his facebook profil:

"John Wayne Angie Parr
Never thought I would be writing this one, but 2011 will be my last year fighting. I turn 35 in May so time isn't on my side. Want to give it everything I can this year and finish on a high. Dont want to have 5 fights too many and start drooling when I speak. One more year before I have to think about what I will do after I retire, hope it's not washing dishes."

Sad news obviously, JWP is a legend in the game and an absolute inspiration to Farang Nakmuay like myself all around the world. A truly great fighter and human being who has been entertaining us for well over a decade. 



John wayne parr

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