The Ultimate Fighter 14 is the fourteenth installment of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)-produced reality television series The Ultimate Fighter. The UFC and Spike held open tryouts on March 21, 2011, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The casting call went out for Bantamweight and Featherweight fighters. All fighters that applied and tried out for the show must have had at least three professional fights and have been at least 21 years of age. Some of the fighters that showed up for the tryouts included UFC veterans Din Thomas & Kit Cope, former Olympic bronze medalist Alexis Vila, and WEC veterans Micah Miller, Wagnney Fabiano, and Ian McCall. Rumors had surfaced of Chael Sonnen and Michael Bisping being possible coaches, though Jason Miller offered via Twitter to replace Chael Sonnen if he is unable. Miller and Bisping were later confirmed as coaches by Dana White. |